Support for parents of students in K-5th grade that choose the Aledo ISD remote learning option and may have other responsibilities to handle simultaneously. We will implement health and safety guidelines such as individual study pod, social distancing, temperature checks, hand washing and sanitizing, (masks recommended but not required). Students have the opportunity to socialize with other students in a small group setting. Teachers will incorporate enrichment activities such as art, fitness, reading, and Spanish as time allows.

Monday- Friday, 8am-3pm
Cost: $10/Hour
$250/wk Unlimited Tutoring Sessions 
10% Sibling Discount Available

Program includes:

  • Monitor & log time spent during on and offline learning to ensure that students are mastering the curriculum as well as participating in class meetings and one-one-one learning sessions with their teachers as assigned
  • Monitor and ask for evidence that your child is on track with assignments and coursework. Check campus homepage for links to teacher lessons
  • Establish and manage the daily schedule communicated by the teacher and elementary school campus with an extension of enrichment activities
  • Families are responsible for picking up and dropping off any hard copy materials that the student may need from the student’s home campus
  • Daily snack provided (please bring a lunch from home)

*Program is recognized but not licensed by the state of Texas health and human services.